Getting to know the Admin Dashboard – Part II (4:01)

Getting to know the Admin Dashboard – Part II (4:01)

The Admin Dashboard, located in the center of the screen lets you quickly view  your registration numbers, revenue, outstanding balances, shopping cart information, team information, fan wear revenue, and email stats.

To adjust the date range displayed, drag the dot on either end of the Dashboard Info Date Range forwards or backwards. The default is 12 months. 

Data Cards/Widgets

Registrations displays total registrations and is a great way to quickly see how online registrations are going

Getting Started with Sports Connect Registration Data Card

For more details, click the down arrow on the card to expand the information and see a breakdown of how many division registrations, tryout registrations and waitlist registrations have been completed 

You can also quickly access the enrollment summary report by clicking on the report name

Revenue displays the total deposit amount for the date range selected. You can also access the Revenue report by clicking on the name of the report

Balances shows your overall open balances

Getting Started with Sports Connect Balances Data Card

Click on the down arrow to expand the data and see a breakdown of past due installments, future installments, and non-payment plan open balances

Click on Notify Open Balance accounts to review outstanding balances and email members with balances 

Shopping Cart allows you to see orders that have been left in a member’s shopping cart for the date range selected

It also gives you the ability to contact  members with items in their shopping carts by clicking on Notify Abandoned Cart accounts

This is an excellent way to remind parents to log back in and complete their order

Teams shows the total number of teams

Click the down arrow to expand the data and view accepted tryouts, pending tryouts, and rejected tryouts

For more details, click on the tryout status report link

Team Staff card lets you quickly see who is registered and allocated to each of the team staff roles

Getting Started with Sports Connect Team Staff Data Card

The number displayed on the left indicates team staff that has been allocated or rostered to a team

The number on the right shows registered volunteers that haven’t been allocated to a team

Click the down arrow on the data card to see additional team staff registrants and allocations

For more details easily access the Volunteer Details Report from the bottom of the data card

Fan Wear displays your Your Fan Wear store revenue for the date range selected and allows you to conveniently access your Fan Wear report

If you are new or haven’t set up your store this data will display as zero

Emails shows a summary of emails sent 

Click the down arrow from the data card to see more details including total unsubscribed members, members who have opted out of your communications, bounced emails, where emails did not reach the intended recipient, and read rates indicating how many people have read your messages

Click All Email Statistics for a full report 

Admin Dashboard Widget/Data Card Location

When looking at the admin dashboard, the data cards will be displayed in their default positions, however, you have the ability to move them to display in your preferred order.

To move data cards,  click and drag with the two lines in the right corner of the data card to position them where you would like them to display. 

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